This project is maintained by lovelacelee


Today I Learned


🔭 🔭 🔭 Ladder up🔭 🔭 🔭

What is this?

This repo idea comes from github project TIL

When I read this from Josh Branchaud

I came out of the audition with a ton of notes – small things I had picked up while pairing with different members of the team. As I anxiously awaited to hear back, I felt this desire to continue to prove myself and I didn’t want to lose track of what I had learned. So, I started writing up short, to-the-point microblogs about the different things I had learned. I started collecting these in a GitHub repository and indexed all of it with a README.

I think what you writing is not important, the essential point is to keep notes taking.

So here is my TIL project on the way.


Any issues please contact Me:)


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